Despite reams of legalese and countless blog/forum posts, basic Oracle RDBMS licensing still remains a mystery to many. While I won’t even begin to discuss components like Oracle Apps, hopefully this post may help you attain a basic understanding of Oracle, what you can license, and what it costs. Editions
Category: Technology
For the most part every post on this site will be about technology, but this category is for the topics which are clearly frontrunners in the technology world, or not related to other technology categories on this site.
Deploying Outside the Box
I’ve been on quite a “broaden your horizons” kick lately, as evidenced by my team and DBA development posts and ultimately the Database Diversity series (in progress). But I truly think it is important to keep not only aware but conversant in emerging technologies both for your personal benefit and
Start Using MongoDB
Guten Tag, Namaste, Hola, Zdravstvuite! While you should always work to master your first language, a simple understanding of other cultures and their languages is always beneficial. In these days of social/career networks and rising global connectedness, being open to diversity is an absolute must. This is true in the
DBA, Grow Thyself – Moving and Shaking in the Era of Data Dominance
Beefing up your technical skills is important, and it’s what makes you a good DBA, Developer, Architect, or whatever you happen to be. But at the same time, it is incredibly important to keep up with the professional trends in your organization. While all organizations are different, there are some
DBA Team, Front and Center
A lot of database professionals seem to agree that the DBA acronym stands for “Default Blame Accepter”. Indeed, I’d be lying if I said that I’ve never felt that way. But I believe that a more in-depth look into why the DBA team always seems to be at the center
5 quick and dirty Linux tips you may not know
Remember that day you were sitting at a friendly bash$ prompt and discovered tab completion? It was like a choir of angels came down from the heavens and sang Hallelujah, the Shell Hath Come (yes, that’s a bourne again reference). While these 5 tips may not be that monumental, they
blobFS – Imported an Oracle dump from a BLOB using a FUSE filesystem
For those who have not been following, I reported previously that I had created a query-based filesystem with node.js, fuse4js, FUSE, and Oracle. This filesystem is mountable by any OS user and uses queries against Oracle tables as its source instead of disk. In this specific case, a table containing
Just how big is your data?
A while back (2007 to be exact, an eternity in Internet years), Google released a product called Google 411. You could call either 1-800-GOOG-411 or 1-877-GOOG-411 and search for businesses by city and state, category, or other criteria. It was a direct competitor to the local expensive 411 services, and
The best IT career book I’ve ever owned
The book that has changed my perception of business and the IT professional’s role in it is not about Oracle, or Hadoop, or NoSQL, or any development framework. In fact it has absolutely nothing to do with technology and was written only a year after Alan Turing’s famous Turing Machine
Make your own VM training/lab environment for $900
I’m sure we’ve all dabbled with VMs a time or two (and if you haven’t, you should). However, I had a specific goal of creating a robust purely virtual environment for training, labs, and testing. While a plain old Linux VM loaded over Windows, Linux, or Mac would have been